Member/ employee import

Use the import functionality to create members and/ or employees as a single batch, for instance when you are migrating to Sessy.

Member import introduction

With the import functionality you can create member(s), for example to migrate members from your existing app by importing the user details. User accounts will be created, including subscription details (if needed).

The members will not automatically receive a notification. This way you can prepare the migration, check if users have been created correctly, and send a communication when you are ready for the members to start using the app.

In addition to member import, this functionality can be used to create employees that are not a member and as a result don’t need/ want a normal subscription.

Member import

The steps to import members/ employees:

  • Go to “Member/ employee import” on the “Settings” page
  • Click on the “Get template” button to download the import template Excel file
  • Fill the required fields: First name, last name, email, start date
  • Fill optional fields if needed/ available
  • Save the import template
  • Go back to Sessy and click on the “Import” button
  • In the explorer window, find and select the import template and click “Open”

Sessy will process the import file. Before creating any members the data in the import file is validated. If there are any issues, no members will be created. Please note that creating multiple members can take a while, depending on the number of members and your internet speed.

Sessy will open a dialog with the output log when finished, which contains:

  • A list of all the members validated
  • If applicable: Any errors found in the input data
  • If no errors in the input data: A list of all members created
  • An option to copy the log contents to the clipboard (click on the “Clipboard” icon)
  • An option to download the log (click on the “Download” icon)

Read carefully in case of any errors. The error message will explain what needs to be adjusted in the import file for a successful import.

Adding subscriptions

If no subscription is added in the Excel file, the user will have to manually subscribe before they can join sessions. Note that subscription import is only support with payment method ‘SEPA Direct Debit Export’, because with Stripe users are required to create their own subscription through the Stripe platform integration.

To add a subscription to a member:

  • Ensure the subscription exists in the backend
  • Use the exact name of the subscription in column J
  • Choose a start date on which the subscription should become active
  • Populate the IBAN account and name to ensure payment collection is possible

Informing members

Members will not receive a notification of their new account:

  • This way you can choose when and how to communicate the migration to your members
  • Please communicate to your members where they can download the app
  • And that they can use their email address to log in
  • The first time they try to log in, they will receive a password reset email, so they can choose their password
  • After that, if needed, they can choose their subscription

Import employee(s)

Populate the employee column with Yes to give the user backend access, or No/ leave empty for default Member access.