Notification settings

Enable/ disable notification types and adjust notification settings.

Notifications introduction

The employee responsible for a member can receive notifications about key occurrences (e.g. a birthday or long absence). These notifications are shown in two locations:

  • Dashboard: In the personalized dashboard, each employee is presented with a list of all notifications for all members that are assigned to him/ her
  • Member overview: The member overview will always show the notifications for the selected member (regardless of which employee opens the member overview)

Delete/ refresh all notifications

At the top of the notification settings section on the “Settings” page. there are two buttons that let you refresh/ delete notifications:

  • Delete: Click on the “Trash can” icon to delete all open notifications, for all members. Be careful, this also includes custom notifications created manually. For more info on custom notifications see: Dashboard custom notifications →
  • Refresh: Click on the “Refresh” icon to create notifications based on the latest settings. This is done automatically every night, but if you don’t want to wait for that, click this button.

Turn on/ off notification types

Each notification type can be turned on/ off and configured as desired. Turn the notification on by clicking on the “Checkmark” icon, or off by clicking the “Cross” icon.

Notification types


The birthday notification warns the employee of an upcoming birthday and is triggered a couple days before the actual birthday of the member.


The absence notification warns the employee of an extended period of absence (a period where the member did not attend any sessions). In the settings, define after how many days of absence an employee should receive the warning.

Downward trend

The downward trend notification warns the employee of a member that has been attending less sessions in the past period. In the settings, you can define:

  • % change: How many less visits should trigger a warning (as a percentage, compared to the previous period)
  • In x days: How long the measurement period should be (in days)

For example: With a setting of 30% and 21 days, Sessy will trigger a notification if a member has attended 30% less sessions in the last 21 days compared to the 21 days before that. Specifically, if a member visited 2x per week in period 1, and only 1x per week in the next period, this is 50% less. A notification will be created for the employee indicating the downward trend.

Upward trend

The upward trend notification warns the employee of a member that has been attending more sessions in the past period. In the settings, you can define:

  • % change: How many more visits should trigger a warning (as a percentage, compared to the previous period)
  • In x days: How long the measurement period should be (in days)

For example: With a setting of 50% and 14 days, Sessy will trigger a notification if a member has attended 50% more sessions in the last 14 days compared to the 14 days before that. Specifically, if a member visited 1x per week in period 1, and 2x per week in the next period, this is 100% more. A notification will be created for the employee indicating the upward trend.


A Check-up is a moment where an employee checks in with a member to ask how things are going. Of course it is completely up to you if and how you check in with your members, but the notification can help an employee to check in with each member at a certain interval. This can be of great value in achieving goals, member retention and building meaningful relationships with your members.

The frequency of check-ups can be differentiated for three time periods:

  • The first 3 months after becoming a member
  • Months 4-6
  • Month 7 and after

This split in three periods allows you for a shorter interval between check-ups for newer Members, if desired (or vice versa).

For the first two period you can specify the number of check-ups that should occur within the 3 month period. For the third period (everything after 6 months), you can specify the number of check-ups that should occur in a one year period.