Shop items

Maintain the products/ services you offer to clients that are not 'sessions'

Shop items introduction

Shop items are products/ services that members can purchase, typically on-site (e.g. drinks, supplements, snacks, merchandise), but it can be used for almost any purchase that is not ‘session related’.

An employee can add the purchase to a member on the “Member overview” page. This will add the purchase to your revenue and, depending on your payment collection method to the next payment cycle automatically (in case of Stripe payments without consumables activated every purchase needs to be paid through Stripe checkout).

For more details about adding a purchase to a member: Member overview →

For more details about payment collection methods and Stripe consumables: Payment collection →

Add/ change shop items

Options in the shop items section on the “Settings” page:

  • Add a new shop item by clicking on the “Plus” icon
  • Change an existing shop item by clicking on the row in the table

Adding or changing a shop item will open a dialog where you can:

  • Select a category from the dropdown list (or click on the “Pencil” icon to add a category, see more details below)
  • Enter the name of the product/ service
  • Enter the cost of the product/ service
  • Enter a description for the product/ service
  • Once finished click on “Save”, “Delete”, or on “Cancel” to disregard the changes

Maintain shop item categories

You can decide yourself which product/ service categories you need/ want to define. To add/ change categories, open the shop item dialog by clicking on an existing shop item or adding a new shop item. On the shop item dialog click on the “Pencil” icon to open the categories dialog. The dialog displays a list of all the existing categories. Here you can:

  • Add a new category by entering a name and clicking on the “Plus” icon
  • Change the name of a category by typing in the text form field
  • Delete a category by clicking on the “Trash can” icon
  • Once finished click on “Save”, or on “Cancel” to disregard the changes