Subscription types

Create and maintain subscription types.

Subscription types introduction

What kind of subscriptions do you want to offer to your customers? Sessy supports recurring and non-recurring subscriptions. Click on the plus icon to add a subscription, or click on an existing subscription to edit or remove it. In the pop-up screen you can specify:

  • Name: Add a short name that is easy to recognize (e.g. 3x per week)
  • Description: Give a full description of what is included in the subscription and what is not, this will be shown the user when subscribing
  • Recurring: Whether the subscription is recurring or not. Recurring subscriptions are billed every month, while a non-recurring subscription is paid only once
  • Visible: Indicate if the subscription should be visible to your customers. You can use this setting to have certain subscription types that can only be assigned by employees (e.g. for instance to create a subscription type specifically for employees)
  • Experience required: Whether experience is required for the subscription type (see more details below)
  • Yearly: Whether you want to allow members to pay per year, typically for a discounted price (recurring subscriptions only). Note: The subscription will automatically end after the year and members will need to purchase a new subscription after that
  • Cost: In case of a recurring subscription this is the monthly subscription cost. For a non-recurring subscription this is the total cost
  • Cost per year: The cost of the subscription per year (only applicable if “yearly” is enabled)
  • Validity in days after purchase: For non-recurring subscriptions, specify the number of days the credits should be valid (after this any remaining credits will be removed). Leave the field empty if credits should be valid indefinitely
  • Session limit: In case of a recurring subscription enter the max number of sessions a member can attend in a week. In case of a non-recurring subscription enter the total number of sessions included in the subscription
  • Session limit period: In case of a recurring subscription enter whether the session credits should renew every week or every month
  • Session types: Select the session types that should be included in/ excluded from the subscription. Members will be able to see excluded session types if these are scheduled in a calendar they have access to but they won’t be able to register for them (unless they can pay for the session separately, see more details for single session purchases under the section Calendar of this support site)
  • Schedules: Select the calendars should be in-/ excluded from the subscription. Excluded calendars will not be visible to members in their app (they can only select from a list of included subscriptions)

Add/ change subscription type

Options in the subscription types section on the “Settings” page:

  • Add a subscription type by clicking on the “Plus” icon
  • Change an existing subscription type by clicking on the row in the table

Adding or changing a location/ calendar will open a dialog where you can:

  • Define the specifics of the subscriptions (see descriptions above)
  • Delete a location/ calendar by clicking on “Delete”
  • Once finished click on “Save”, or on “Cancel” to disregard the changes

Stripe synchronization

If you are using Stripe for payment collection, the Sessy backend will synchronize the subscription types with Stripe, so customers can only subscribe to the latest subscription types you have defined. Don’t make changes in Stripe directly, this can cause unexpected issues and synchronization issues.

Updating existing subscriptions

When updating existing subscriptions, you have the option to make the change only for future subscribers, or to process the change for all existing active members with the subscription. If you choose the latter, the change will be processed immediately for all active members with this subscriptions. No confirmation will be sent to members, please make sure you clearly communicate the change to your members (typically it makes sense to inform them well before actually making the change if the change involves a cost increase).

Deleting subscription type

Some considerations for deleting subscription types.

  • Deleting a subscription type does not impact existing active subscriptions, these will remain unchanged
  • Once a subscription type is deleted, it cannot be recovered. Are you sure you don’t need it anymore?

Experience required

If new members need to complete an onboarding or new joiner course before they can subscribe to your ’normal subscriptions’, you can enable the option “Show experience required message”. When this setting is enabled, all subscribtion types that are marked as “Experience Required” (see above) will be hidden. Click on “Settings” to customize the message you want to show to the new members when they first sign up.

Pausing subscriptions

Subscriptions can always be paused by your employees (applicable only to recurring subscriptions with a montly payment plan). If you also want your members to be able to pause subscriptions for themselves through the members app, enable the setting “Allow members to pause subscriptions”. Click on “Settings” to open the pause setting dialog with options to:

  • Define the minimum pause duration in days
  • Define the maximum pause duration in days
  • Define the minimum number of days between the previous and next pause These settings can help avoid misuse by your members. Choose the settings that best align with your company.