Start trial

Try the full Sessy functionality during a 30 day trial. Follow the instructions below to set up your own trial environment.

Step 1: User account

There are two main ways to get started with your Sessy trial:

Existing user

Start your trial:

  • Go to the backend environment of Sessy. Sessy backend →
  • Click on the “Start your trial” tile
  • Click on the “Sign in” tile
  • Enter the email address and password of your existing account

New user

  • Go to the backend environment of Sessy. Sessy backend →
  • Enter your personal account information (your business information will entered during the next step) and choose a safe password
  • Click on the “Register” button
  • Your account will now be created and a email verification message will sent to the email address you entered for your account. Go to your inbox and click on the verification link in the email to activate your account (check your spam folder if you can’t find the email)
  • Go back to the Sessy backend and click on “Refresh” to finalize the account validation

Step 2: General business details

After logging in or creating a new account Sessy will automatically set up your environment (please be patient, the server functions can take up to a couple minutes to run). The next step is to enter your business details.

Business details

Enter the name, address and other general details of your business.

  • Business name: The business name that will be shown in the app to users. This will also be how potential customers that want to subscribe can find your business in app
  • Email: Email address where customers can contact your business
  • Terms & Conditions url: Provide a hyperlink to your subscription terms & conditions. When customers subscribe to your business Sessy will indicate that they are accepting these terms & conditions (including a link to your webpage so they can easily open and read the terms & conditions if they want to)
  • Privacy policy: Provide a hyperlink to your privacy policy. When customers subscribe to your business Sessy will indicate that they are accepting how you will process their personal information (including a link to your webpage so they can easily open and read the privacy policy if they want to)
  • Website: Enter the url of your business website
  • Address: Enter the street address, postal code, city, country
  • Phone: Enter the phone number where Sessy and your members can reach your business.

App branding

  • Language: The default language you want to show to your customers
  • Time zone: Select which time zone your business operates in. This ensures sessions start and end times are accurately displayed
  • Highlight/ lowlight color: Set the highlight and lowlight colors to match with your branding/ business’ color scheme. The lowlight color determines the top/ side bar in the app, typically a dark color works best. Your logo will be shown on top of the top/ side bar, so it is important to ensure there is enough contrast between the logo and the lowlight color. The highlight color is user in the app to highlight certain elements (e.g. selected date or location)
  • Brightness: Set the default brightness that you want your app: Light, dark or based on system. If you select “Based on system”, the app will check the device settings and align the brightness setting with the users’ device
  • Logo: Upload your logo. Typically a png image works best. Sometimes image scaling of large images results in suboptimal quality. Try uploading an image with a lower resolution to see if that resolves the issue.

When your are done with these settings, click on the “Next” tile.

Step 3: Session types

What types of sessions do you want to schedule for your customers? By giving each type of session a name and color, your customers will be able to quickly recognize the right session. Click on the plus icon to add a new session type, on the trash can to delete a session type and on the pencil to edit a session type name and/ or color.

  • Session types in subscriptions: For each subscription you create (see details below), you can specify which session types are included. A member will only be able to subscribe to sessions that are included in his/ her subscription
  • Add/ change session types: It is always possible to add/ remove/ change session types later if needed

Tip: Aligning the session type colors with your brand color scheme makes for a much better looking app! Not sure which colors to use? A great way to get suggestions is to use My Color Space →

When you are done defining session types, click on the “Next” tile.

Step 4: Calendars/ locations

How/ where do you offer your sessions? Sessy lets you set up multiple calendars. For each calendar you can set up a weekly schedule and schedule/ manage sessions separately. This way you can create a separate calendar for each location, or for instance for each employee/ coach. Click on the plus icon to add a new calendar, on the trash can to delete a calendar and on the pencil to edit a calendar/location name and/ or color.

  • Calendars in the member app: In the member app each calendar is shown to the member separately. They can easily switch between the calendars they have access to
  • Calendars in subscriptions: For each subscription you create (see details below), you can specify which calendars are included. A member will only be able to see and select calendars that are included in his/ her subscription
  • Add/ change calendars: It is always possible to add/ remove/ change calendars later if needed

Tip: Keep the name and description short. This way they fit on a single line the app, which looks much better.

When you are done defining calendars, click on the “Next” tile.

Step 5: Subscriptions

What kind of subscriptions do you want to offer to your customers? We created some sample subscriptions to show some of the different ways to think about subscriptions (feel free to remove/ change these as needed). Sessy supports recurring and non-recurring subscriptions. Click on the plus icon to add a subscription, or click on an existing subscription to edit or remove it. In the pop-up screen you can specify:

  • Name: Add a short name that is easy to recognize (e.g. 3x per week)
  • Description: Give a full description of what is included in the subscription and what is not, this will be shown the user when subscribing
  • Recurring: Whether the subscription is recurring or not. Recurring subscriptions are billed every month, while a non-recurring subscription is paid only once
  • Visible: Indicate if the subscription should be visible to your customers. You can use this setting to have certain subscription types that can only be assigned by employees (e.g. for instance to create a subscription type specifically for employees)
  • Experience required: Whether experience is required for the subscription type (hidden for new members when they first sign up)
  • Yearly: Whether you want to allow members to pay per year, typically for a discounted price (recurring subscriptions only). Note: The subscription will automatically end after the year and members will need to purchase a new subscription after that
  • Cost: In case of a recurring subscription this is the monthly subscription cost. For a non-recurring subscription this is the total cost
  • Cost per year: The cost of the subscription per year (only applicable if “yearly” is enabled)
  • Validity in days after purchase: For non-recurring subscriptions, specify the number of days the credits should be valid (after this any remaining credits will be removed). Leave the field empty if credits should be valid indefinitely
  • Session limit: In case of a recurring subscription enter the max number of sessions a member can attend in a week. In case of a non-recurring subscription enter the total number of sessions included in the subscription
  • Session limit period: In case of a recurring subscription enter whether the session credits should renew every week or every month
  • Session types: Select the session types that should be included in/ excluded from the subscription. Members will be able to see excluded session types if these are scheduled in a calendar they have access to but they won’t be able to register for them (unless they can pay for the session separately, see more details for single session purchases under the section Calendar of this support site)
  • Schedules: Select the calendars should be included in/ excluded from the subscription. Excluded calendars will not be visible to members in their app (they can only select from a list of included subscriptions).

When you are done defining subscription types, click on the “Next” tile.

Step 6: Next steps

Congrats, your basic setup is now complete!

This next page contains some instructions and tips to make your trial period a success. You can review these tips again later (or go back to this support site), so don’t worry about remembering everything now. If you are done reading for now, click on the “Next” tile to complete your trial environment setup.