
How to communicate to your customers through the app.

Session details

In case you are programming workouts specific to a day (e.g. CrossFit WOD’s) and want to show these details in the session description, this page provides you with an easy way to do so.

Add session descriptions per day / session type:

  • Select the location/ calendar in the drop-down list
  • Click on the session type
  • Enter the details for each day
  • Click on the “Save” icon at the top so save the changes

There are two views that can be used: A monthly view and a list view. Click on the “List” icon in the top-right corner to switch between views.

Adding benchmarks / workout logging

In the monthly view: To enable members to log their results on a workout, click on the “Target” icon (3 circles) when editing a session. In the pop-up dialog search for the desired benchmark and select it. The description will automatically be added to the session description. Feel free to edit the session description, this will not remove/ change the link to the benchmark.

Changing or removing the benchmark from a sessions can be done by clicking the same “Target” icon, click the “Trashcan” icon to remove or search and select a different benchmark to change it.

Export/ import session descriptions

If you prefer to edit/ maintain your schedule in Excel (or another tool), or need your completed schedule in Excel:

  • You can export the schedule for all future sessions to Excel by clicking on the “Download” icon. This will include all session dates and current descriptions
  • You can import an updated schedule for all future sessions from Excel by clicking on the “Upload” icon. The exported Excel file must be used as the template. Make sure you only edit the Description column

General communication

The Sessy member app has an “Info” page that shows the latest message to all members. This section can be used to give certain updates, general visit information, etc.

To add/ change the message on the “Info” page:

  • Select an icon that fits the message content
  • Enter a subject
  • Enter the body of your message
  • If you want to send a notification to all members about the change, leave the “Checkmark” selected. If you don’t want to notify members, select the “Cross” icon.
  • Finally, click on “Save” to confirm and save the changes (or “Cancel” to disregard the changes)

Send notification

Sessy lets you send notifications to the member app. A notification can be sent to all members (Everyone) or to a subgroup of members:

  • With session today: Members that have a session later today
  • With session tomorrow: All members that are registered for a session tomorrow
  • With session this week: All members registered for a session later this week
  • With session next week: All members registered for a session next week
  • Specific member: Search and select one or more members specifically
  • Linked to employee: Send a notification to all members linked to a specific employee

To send a notification:

  • Enter the subject (optional)
  • Enter the message you want to send
  • Select the member or group of members that you want to notify
  • Click on “Send”

Click on “Reset” if you want to clear the information entered and start again.