Member overview

Functionality and options available in the member overview screen.

Search member

Open the member overview by searching for a member. The member search bar is available on all screens (if you are on a laptop/ desktop screen).

Search member on mobile:

  • Click on the menu button (“hamburger” icon on top left of the screen)
  • Click on “Members”
  • Search for the member name

Contact details

The top of the member overview page show the contact details of the member. Note that these details are maintained by the member.

  • Click on the “Email” or “Phone” icon to open a new email or call window on your computer (default email/ call application is opened).
  • Click on the “Home” icon to copy the member address to the clipboard

Active tags

At the top of the page, next to the name any active tags are shown (e.g. new members, injuries, etc.). The tags are also shown in the session details on the Dashboard page, so the employee responsible for the session is aware of any special circumstances, can prepare for them, and address/ highlight these during the session as needed.

Add tag

Add a tag to a member:

  • Click on the “+ tag” button
  • Select the tag to add

Custom tags can be created/ maintained on the settings page. Member tag settings →


A list of open notifications related to the member. Notifications are automatically generated based on key occurrences to help employees build a meaningful relationship with their members and increase engagement. It is also possible to add custom notifications to remind the responsible employee at some point in the future.

Mark a notification complete by clicking on the “checkmark” icon. The notification is archived.

Schedule a custom notification:

  • Click on the “plus” icon in the notifications section
  • Search and select the member
  • Select a notification date (in the future)
  • Give a short description of the reminder

The member overview provides a lot of details about the session history of a member:

  • A bar graph of visits in the past 12 weeks
  • The last visited session date and type
  • The next session date and type (if registered for a future session)
  • The average amount of sessions per week
  • The visit frequency trend (arrow up / horizontal / down)

Click on the “Arrow-list” icon to open the full session history of the member, with the session date, time, type and whether or not the member was present or not (no-show). Click on the “cross” icon at the top of the session list to close the list.

Employee & check-ups

Under the heading “General info” you will find the employee linked to the selected member. Make sure an employee is linked if you want to receive notifications and checklists on the dashboard. Next to that there are also the previous time the employee had a check-up session and the next check-up.

Click on the “Pencil” icon to:

  • Select or change the linked employee
  • Change the date for the next check-up


The subscription tile shows information about the current subscription type of the member, the start date and if applicable the end date. If the member has a pending subscription change, two tiles will be shown: The current subscription with the end date and the new (pending) subscription type and start date.

Click on the “Pencil” icon to open a pop-up screen to make changes to a subscription.

Edit subscription(s)

Several changes to subscriptions can be made through the backend, however it is usually preferable to let members change/ cancel their own subscriptions through the member app. The changes that can be made through the backend:

  • Change current subscription type
  • Change subscription cost
  • Cancel subscription
  • Change included session types
  • Change included schedules/ calendars

It is not possible to add new subscriptions if there are no payment details. For SEPA Direct Debit this means that a member must have provided an IBAN account and direct debit approval. For Stripe this means there must already be an active subscription.

For more details about changing subscriptions, see the Subscription type settings →

For more details about payment collection through SEPA direct debit export, see the Payment collection settings →

For more details about payment collection through Stripe, see the Payment collection settings →


The member overview page shows the last note that was added to the members’ account, including the date it was made and the employee who added the note.

Add note

  • Click on the “Plus” icon to add a note.
  • Enter the message you want save
  • Click on the “Save” icon

Note history

Click on the “Notes” button to open a complete history of all the notes taken for the selected member. Each note will show the date and employee.


If more information needs to be stored about the member it is possible to upload attachments:

  • Click on the “Plus” icon
  • Select the file you want to upload
  • Adjust the file name if desired (so it is easy to recognize)
  • Click on the “Save” icon

Remove attachments that are no longer needed (or if the storage limit has been reached for the member) by clicking on the “Trash can” icon.

Attachments can be downloaded and viewed by clicking anywhere on the attachment “Tile” (except for the “Trash can”).

Benchmark results

Click on the “Results” button to view all benchmark results that the member has logged. Use the search bar to quickly find a specific benchmark result.


Do you offer certain non-session related products or services to your customers, such as:

  • Merchandise?
  • Coffee, thee, or other beverages?
  • Snacks?
  • Supplements?
  • Accessories?
  • Etc..?

Sessy provides an easy way to charge your members for these kinds of purchases.

Add a new purchase

Simply search for the product in the “Search bar” at the top right of the member overview page and:

  • Click on the desired product/ service
  • Change the quantity if needed
  • Click on “Purchase”

The purchase is automatically added to the outstanding amount to be paid for the current month for the selected member, unless you use Stripe for payment collection and the member does not have an active consumables subscription. In this case, the Sessy backend will generate a QR-code. The member can scan the QR-code with their mobile and they will be sent automatically to a Stripe checkout page to execute the payment.

For more details about payment collection through Stripe and what a consumables subscription is, see the Payment collection settings →

Maintain products/ services

For more details about creating and maintaining your products and services, see the Shop items settings →

Overview of purchases

Click on the “Purchases” tile to show a list of the purchases made by the member. This includes:

  • non-session related purchases (products/ services)
  • single session purchases
  • subscription costs (recurring/ non-recurring)

Delete user account

Members/ users can delete their user account and all related personal identifiable data themselves through the app. On the Account page, tap the Settings icon, and tap on “Delete account”. Note that accounts can only be deleted if there are no active subscriptions, so cancel any active subscriptions before you delete your account.

Please click here to open our privacy statement for more information about the information we store and how we use it.