
Revenue and payments overview.


Overview of recent months

The first thing shown when navigating to the “Payments” page is an overview of recent periods (months) with:

  • the total revenue in that period (subscription revenue, single session payments, shop items)
  • the amount unpaid

Single session payments and shop items are added to the revenue when the payment is executed. Subscription revenue needs to be ‘refreshed’ for a complete/ accurate overview. It is calculated for that exact moment in time.

Use the “Search” bar to filter based on the period.

Refresh subscription revenue

Click on the “three vertical dots” icon on the “Revenue” tile to show a list of the options to refresh revenue. Select the period for which you want the subscription revenue to be (re)calculated.

Recalculation can be done at any point during a period to calculate the actual revenue at that point in time. To calculate the final revenue for the period, run the refresh function one last time after the period had ended.

Revenue month details

Click on a period to see an overview of the revenue items included in the period. The overview shows:

  • The name of the member
  • The amount to be paid (note that every purchase is shown separately, multiple entries for a member in a period are possible)
  • Whether the amount has been paid or not

Use the “Search” bar to filter on a specific member.

Revenue item details

Click on a revenue item to see the details of that item, with:

  • Member name
  • Amount
  • Revenue type (subscription, single session purchase, )
  • Description (e.g. name of subscription, name of the shop item)
  • Paid (false/ true)
  • Pending (true if the item is currently included in a payment batch)
  • Paid amount
  • Start date/ end date (only applicable in case of subscriptions)

If a subscription started or ended within the selected period this will be indicated by the start/ end date. The revenue (and amount to be paid) will be calculated based on the number of days that the subscription was active in the period. This will impact SEPA direct debit export payments, but not Stripe payments:

  • SEPA export: Execute your payment batch for a given month after the month ends (e.g. Execute a payment batch for the revenue in March on April 1st). As a result, the first and last payment of a member subscription will be partial payments for the active days in those months (unless the member subscription started/ ended exactly on month end).
  • Stripe: Payments for recurring subscriptions are executed automatically by the Stripe platform on a monthly basis, based on the start date of the subscription (e.g. with a 15 March start date, next payment will be around 15 April). Assuming you have a 1 month cancellation period, there will be no partial subscription payments.

For more details about these methods go to Payment collection settings →

Change revenue item

Click in the “Pencil” icon to edit a revenue item (Admin members only).

The following fields can be adjusted:

  • Amount: Adjust the amount of the revenue item if there was an error
  • Paid amount: Adjust the paid amount if a payment was received through another method than the standard method

The field “Reason for change” is required. Populate this field with a clear description of the reason for the change. All changes are stored, including who made the change, for future reference.

Once a change has been made a warning icon will be displayed on the revenue item details form. Click to open a log of all the changes that have been made.


Click on the “Payments” tile to show a list of payment batches.

The screen shows a list of all pending payment batches with:

  • Run date/ time: Date and time on which this payment batch was created
  • Amount: Total direct debit amount included in the payment batch
  • Status: The status of batch

The following status codes are available:

  • draft: The batch was created, but not exported yet
  • exported: The batch has been exported, but the settlement file from the bank was not imported yet
  • settled: The settlement from the bank has been imported into Sessy

Create a payment batch

Click on the “three vertical dots” icon on the “Payments” tile to show a list of the options for creating a payment batch. A payment batch can be created for the last 7 periods (normally this should not be needed this far back in time because all outstanding payments should be settled by then).

Choose to:

  • Run a batch for a specific period, to include payments for all unpaid revenue items within that period
  • Run a batch for all periods, which includes payments for all unpaid revenue items for previous periods. Normally it should suffice to run a batch for a specific period. However, if some payments have failed in the previous period, it could make sense to include these in the next batch.

If you navigate to the “Revenue” view, you will be able to see the unpaid amount for each period and decide what the best option is.

After selecting and clicking on the option the system will show an output log that contains: - An overview of all the revenue items that have been added to the payment batch (per period)

  • Whether or not any errors have occurred
  • An option to copy the log contents to the clipboard (click on the “Clipboard” icon)
  • An option to download the log (click on the “Download” icon)

Payment batch details

Click on a payment batch to see the details. The following information is available:

  • The batch run date/ time
  • Batch id (unique identifier)
  • Export date (null if it has not been exported yet)
  • Settled date (null if the settlement file was not uploaded yet)
  • A list of the included payments in the batch: Name, amount and payment success (n/a if not settled yet)

Use the search bar to filter the list on a member name.

Payment item details

Click on a specific item in the list of payments in a payment batch to see the payment item details. The following information is available:

  • Member name
  • Payment amount
  • Whether payment was successful or not (n/a if not settled yet)
  • Description (contains the period to which the payment is related)
  • IBAN account number
  • IBAN account holder name
  • Details: A list of all the revenue items included in the payment

Execute payment

Select the batch you want to process. Click on the “Download” icon to export the payment batch. An XML file will be downloaded that meets the SEPA direct debit PAIN.008 standard. This file can be uploaded in your banking environment. Follow the instructions of your banking environment to upload, authorize and execute the payments.

Process settlement file

After executing a payment batch using the SEPA direct debit PAIN.008 standard, your bank should produce a payment status message, a log file based on the PAIN.002 standard. Download the XML file from your banking environment.

In Sessy, open the Payments page, click on the Payments tile and select the payment batch that you are processing. Click on the “Upload” icon to import the XML file. The system will update the payment status of all the revenue items included in the payment batch (if a payment succeeded it is marked as paid, if the payment failed it will be marked as unpaid). After processing is complete a log will be shown with all the changes made:

  • An overview of all the revenue items that have been updated
  • Whether or not any errors have occurred
  • An option to copy the log contents to the clipboard (click on the “Clipboard” icon)
  • An option to download the log (click on the “Download” icon)