
Reports with insight into members, sessions, occupancy and revenue.

1. Members

The members report metrics (top segment of the page):

  • A line graph with the development of the member count. The member count is updated weekly on Sunday-Monday night. Only members with an active subscription are counted (hover your mouse above the graph to see details)
  • The latest member count and the inflow/ outflow during the past 30 days.
  • A donut graph that shows the distribution of the currently active subscriptions (hover your mouse above the graph to see details)

The bottom segment of the page contains a list of all members (with both active and cancelled subscriptions). The report contains:

  • Name of the member
  • Subscription (current)
  • Cost of the subscription
  • Linked employee
  • Last known check-up date
  • Date for the next check-up
  • Average number of visits (over the period specified under trend less in notification settings)
  • Trend in number of visits (over the period specified under trend less in notification settings)
  • Tags assigned to the member

Click on the “Load more” button to load more items.

Filter member list

Click on the “Search” icon to open the search/ filter bar. Choose which column you want to filter on and hit the “Enter” key to search and filter the results.

Remove the filters by removing the text in the filter field and hitting “Enter” again, or by clicking on the “Search” icon.

Download member list

Click on the “Download” icon to export and download the (filtered) member list in an Excel file.

2. Results

The results report shows a list of all performed benchmarks (each day is shown seperately). Search a specific benchmark using the search field on the top left. Select a benchmark date to show the results on the right:

  • The top graph shows the result for each time the same benchmark was scheduled and enables you to track progress over time. This graph shows the average performance on a given benchmark, but also the top/ bottom performance and the quartiles for better comparison
  • The bottom graph shows the results of individual members on the selected date of the benchmark. An rx label shows whether the benchmark was executed as prescribed or not. Click on the list of dates at the top left to show the detailed results of a different day if the benchmark was executed multiple times.

Use the bottom left filters to focus on specific subsets of your members based on age, sex, and whether a workout was performed as prescribed vs scaled.

3. Sessions

The session report metrics (top segment of the page):

  • A line graph with the average occupancy of all scheduled sessions (hover your mouse above the graph to see details)
  • The overall average number of visits per member per week
  • A stacked line graph of the hours worked per employee (hover your mouse above the graph to see details)
  • The total amount of hours worked in the past week

The bottom segment of the page contains a list of all sessions (all types and all locations/ calendars). The report contains:

  • Type of session
  • Session description
  • Session date and time
  • Session duration
  • Max number of spots in the session
  • Number of bookings (registered members)
  • Schedule (the location/ calendar where the session was scheduled)
  • Employee responsible for the session (if one was assigned)

Click on the “Load more” button to load more items.

Filter Session list

Click on the “Search” icon to open the search/ filter bar. Choose which column you want to filter on and hit the “Enter” key to search and filter the results.

Remove the filters by removing the text in the filter field and hitting “Enter” again, or by clicking on the “Search” icon.

Download session list

Click on the “Download” icon to export and download the (filtered) session list in an Excel file.

4. Occupancy

The occupancy reporting contains several ways to compare occupancy during sessions, so you can optimize your session schedule to meet the needs of your members and to optimize cost (since empty sessions are typically bad for your margins). The report contains views to analyze:

  • Time: The most popular times during a day (across all session types and calendars/ locations)
  • Average occupancy (year-week): The development of overall occupancy over time (hover over the line chart for additional details)
  • Occupancy: The average occupancy during the past week and the number of no-shows (members that registered for a session but did not attend it) and an arrow to shows the trend (more/ less no-shows than last week). Click on the no-shows for a list of members
  • Day: The average occupancy of each day of the week (across all session types and calendars/ locations)
  • Schedule: The average occupancy of each calender/ location compared (across all session types)
  • Session type: The average occupancy of each session type compared (across all locations/ calendars)
  • Day/ time: A more detailed week calendar overview showing the average occupancy of specific session days and times. This average is separated per location/ calendar: Select the calendar/ location with the drop down field at the top-right of the page

5. Revenue

The revenue report metrics (top segment of the page):

  • A line graph with the revenue development per month (hover your mouse above the graph to see details)
  • The total revenue of last month
  • A line graph with the revenue per scheduled hour per month, which gives an indication for the margin development of your business over time (hover your mouse above the graph to see details)
  • The revenue per scheduled hour during thee last month

The bottom segment of the page contains a list of all revenue items (subscription revenue, shop items and single session purchases). The report contains:

  • The type of revenue
  • Revenue item (name of the subscription/ shop item/ session type)
  • Member name
  • Period (month in which the revenue was recognized)
  • Date (date on which the revenue was recognized)
  • Amount
  • Paid (whether the revenue item was paid or not)

Click on the “Load more” button to load more items.

Filter revenue list

Click on the “Search” icon to open the search/ filter bar. Choose which column you want to filter on and hit the “Enter” key to search and filter the results.

Remove the filters by removing the text in the filter field and hitting “Enter” again, or by clicking on the “Search” icon.

Download revenue list

Click on the “Download” icon to export and download the (filtered) revenue list in an Excel file.